On page 50, Scud 21 will come out later than planned

Sorry guys. I’m working on the second season of the Sarah Silverman show and I can’t fill my “page a day” schedual. I’m averaging 3 and a half pages a week instead of six. The plan was to have a 32 page finale done in time to be in the 650 page Scud mega-book for comic con. I really don’t see that happening now.

The reason is- I can’t just crap out a 32 page ending. This is Scud, I have to do this right. The book will be most likely over sixty pages. I will keep you up to date of my progress and do vlogs as long as they don’t interfere with the drawing. I’m still shooting for summer but Comic-con isn’t going to happen ( I’ll be shooting anyway).

Very sorry. Maybe you’ll be more forgiving if I give you a sneak-peek-

41 Responses to “On page 50, Scud 21 will come out later than planned”  

  1. Gravatar Icon
    1 Mike

    That’s alright Rob, thanks for the sneak peak.

  2. Gravatar Icon
    2 Norman

    You do great work! Scud is worth the wait.

  3. Gravatar Icon
    3 joseph gabbard

    your zip-a-tone rocks. where do you get it from? i can’t find it anywhere in town or online. did you write a script