Stop by the Image booth this weekend and say Hi! Kate and I will be there signing books and posters!



10 Responses to “SCUD AT WONDERCON!”  

  1. Gravatar Icon
    1 Ethan Harper

    Dang, I wish I was gonna be on the West coast this weekend to stop and say ‘Hello!’ and ‘Thanks!’ to you two (and to pick up that cover) (and ‘cause it’s butt-ass cold here in Philly).

    I know you get this all the time, Rob, but any plans to come out East for a visit?

    #21 was fantastic, I eagerly await the rest, and I hope to get some more fan art off to you soon.

    Thanks again for sharing your talent with and inspiring us to do what we love and make people smile.

    Your long-time fan/sometimes envelope doodler,

  2. Gravatar Icon
    2 jeff oehmen

    #21 = a lovely bunch of coconuts.

    loved it.


  3. Gravatar Icon
    3 Mike

    Oh crapola. You think you’ll have some of these for Comic-Con? Sadly Wondercon gets pushed to the side every year so I can afford the trip across country in July. Speaking of, do you have any super fun stuff planned for Comic-Con?

  4. Gravatar Icon
    4 Michael

    Why must you taunt me with these things I cannot have?! Would you happen to have any plans for saving a few of these splendid posters and covers and selling them via your website? I ask because $20 bucks won’t get me to the other side of the country, but it can get me some awesome comics. =)

  5. Gravatar Icon
    5 Chris

    So I was at WonderCon Friday the 22nd and was told you weren’t there. It’s cool man, you probably had something else going on…

    I hope to see you Sunday!

    Have a good weekend.

  6. Gravatar Icon
    6 Paul

    Wow. Just heard that Jhonen Vasquez is doing art for Scud. Which, I’m assuming, will be plain awesome. You’re finally getting paid back for that intro you wrote for JTHM all those years ago.

  7. Gravatar Icon
    7 Chris

    Talk about worset luck ever…

    Showed up Friday to Wondercon and told “Rob Schrab isn’t here today,” then, on Sunday when I showed up at 3:00 PM was told “Rob Schrab left like an hour ago.”

    I guess their’s always the San Diego Comic Convention in summer, hope you are there Rob, dude!

  8. Gravatar Icon
    8 boss18lb

    Got two copies of Scud 21 variant cover, really awesome! Thanks for the signed poster and for signing my comic books :-) Can’t wait for the remaining 3 issues. A few questions though: 1) Any news on the over-sized book? 2) Will it come out in a special hardbound edition? 3) What Scud spin-off books will be included? 4) Any idea where I can get a copy of Scud 18 Variant (can’t find it on ebay)? Great job on Scud. I’m glad I took care of my Scud collection :-) Like high school days again.

  9. Gravatar Icon
    9 Jon

    I NEED that cover! Eep.

  10. Gravatar Icon
    10 David

    Met Rob at the convention, quite possibly one of the nicest individuals I met.

    I didn’t even know he was going to be there, and as I walked in on Sat. boom sitting right there! So cool!

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