Rob Schrab phone interview about Scud the Disposable Assassin!
Pretty cool, although I accidentally talked over Andrew a few times, coming off like an a-hole.
Check out!
Interview by Andrew DelQuadro –
Pretty cool, although I accidentally talked over Andrew a few times, coming off like an a-hole.
Check out!
Interview by Andrew DelQuadro –
No offense to Andrew… argh! You gave him free roam for any questions about the new issue.. he didn’t even ask? I’m not really mad though.. it’ll be that much funner to read! Are you going to have all the issue covers in the book too? Those we’re always my favorite.. especially when you got into the double digit issues!
Heat Vision and Jack: The Movie
That’s Fuckin’ Rad!
...For Real.
great interview!
if there is a series ala tales from a vending machine. will you do it with a different artist each issue? if so, is there a way to submit to do an issue? id totally be down for doing one. its always been my dream to do a scud book as crazy as that sounds.
expect some fan art soon to come rob!
The more you talk about it, the more psyched I get. Nice to hear the Drywall issues will also be reprinted and recollected. I can’t wait.
I was watching the Pick Of Destiny while listening to the interview, so when I heard the Heat Vision and Jack part, I got giggly little ponies in my belly. And you didn’t come off as TOO much of an a-hole. =)
AWESOME!!!! The interview was great. I found it very interesting hearing what happened with Fireman Press. I was always under the impression that it went bancrupt.
One question: Did you kill Sussudio off because off your relationship ending at the time? I know you said it was a dark time for you and it just struck me as kind of a thing to do at the time.
One more question: I know you said Drywall will be back, but is Oswald gonna show up also.
Heat Vision and Jack da Movie…..Awesome.
The biggest news, to me, was the speculation on wrapping up La Costa Nostroid. I know it is just an idea, but WOWZEEWOWZER.
Thank you a ton for the very detailed look into the history and future endeavors of you career.
Great Interview, it was great to hear this interview, lots of interesting stuff.
I think one of the things I can’t wait to see more than Scud 21, is probably a show that featured only your Drawless Animation stuff, that was really interesting to hear.
Heh. You didn’t sound like an a-hole at all man. I definitely appreciated how liberal you were with the info… and I also in a weird way appreciated Andrew hesitance toward asking anything about the last book. I’ve never been so eager to be surprised in my life.
yeah the whole thing was awesome. quick question did you ever do a book titled slaughterhouse knights? I remember certain images from like 13 or so years ago. like a werewolf guy strangling a badguy with intestines. oh and count me in to do a scud book.
Are there going to be any parts of the Scud Bible that will be in color? Drywall, first issue, etc..
nope jon, rob has said its all b/w
Are you doing all of your lettering?
Yes. I know everyone hates my lettering but I like doing it.
Also, Somone asked if I was going to put suggested voice talent or soundtrack in the book. No. I might post a wish-list here on the site but I’d rather fill the book with art and story.
Don’t get the wrong impression, I think the lettering looks just fine! Fits the style.
Wow small world. I was a huge fan of Scud in my HS days. And now I’m doing Motion Graphics work where I happened to work on the Sarah Silverman Launch designing the promos over at Comedy Central. Its a great show. Definately a hit. Anyways I’m glad to hear about the reprints of Scud and that you are doing your thing. Good Luck Man. Pizzles
I just heard about scud 21 and everything that has kept it from being made. If it never came out i would be mad but i want you to know i have been lookling forward to this more than the birth of my child. Thank you for having the integraty to hold out for the right time. And thank you for doing it right as well. I can’t wait.
Stay tuned for a Scud Vlog! -I’ll be signing at
Booth: 2729
Sat: 1:00-1:55
Sun. 11:00-12:00
Booth: 4517
Sat: 4:00-5:00
Sun: 12:30 -1:30
I’ll be GIVING AWAY Scud posters and selling sketches and DVDs. Come by and see a sneak peek at Scud 21!!!!
Then check out the SARAH SILVERMAN PANEL with me and the cast.
Room: 6cdef
Sat: 7:45-8:45PM