UPDATE. Too many good entries so there will be FOUR Places. I’m sure you can figure out which ones, but can you figure out what order? This was very, super hard. Wasn’t expecting this much enthusiasm.
UPDATE. Too many good entries so there will be FOUR Places. I’m sure you can figure out which ones, but can you figure out what order? This was very, super hard. Wasn’t expecting this much enthusiasm.
Hey has there been a late entry
or did i just not notice that computer animated video at the end before (the unfinished one) Whoever did that did a great job, i mean no one can compete with Pats as far as computer animation, but that said it looks pretty greatobviously it doesn’t have a chance against the finished products but it looks really good…. who did it and will we see a finished product? preferably with sound sound voices.The other Scuds look exciting, whats the story with this video?
PS. Awesome news that more people get prizes -you can tell they worked hard for them….more than two are definately deserving!
so whats the next contest Rob, I want in on the next one! Maybe you could just keep giving autographed sketches as prizes in the future to keep things easy on you -id still make an entry for a simple -non expensive prize!
MarLouie showed me how to compress my videos for YouTube so I went ahead and got a nicer version of my submission up. I’ll probably delete the original in a few days so if anybody wants to favorite it, use this one:
That’s awesome. I love that this contest has us all communicating. I can’t help but have this fantasy of a multimedia colab extravaganza. 3D, 2D, puppets and compositing. It might not be the most realistic thing to propose, but still, think of the possibilities.
Yeah that would be cool MC Griffin! Schrab fans Unite! Our Art for the cause! lol
Four prizes now?! That’s Awesome! Yeah, I agree that its good to see more people be rewarded for all that hard work :)!
I love that idea MC Griffin. I was thinking that if I did an extended remix of my Scud song, I could edit a new video incorporating footage from the other fan film entries.
Luke Ski
If you do an extended remix, Luke, I wanna bust a line in there. Also, maybe a reference or two to the original rap would be good as well, since Schrab let us in on the last inexplicable line of lyric.
That’s just what I was thinking, adding a cover the whole Scud Rap between verses 2 and 3 for the remix. I could rap Dan Harmon’s Part, and you could rap Sean McKenna’s part. If we do do that, I’d like to get the rest of those lyrics deciphered (hopefully by Rob, Dan, and/or Sean).
I’d probably also add more lyrics to verse 3 so I can mention other characters (Oswald) and things that I didn’t mention the first incarnation due to the 3:00 time limit.
Where do you live, MC? I’m currently living in Kenosha, WI (on Lake Michigan between Milwaukee and Chicago).
– Luke Ski
I live in LA. An Oswald bit is definitely needed. He’s my favorite character, and was always the Scud character I could relate to the most. Even his death. Death by porno distraction. Hell, I had a whole Dr. Who parody opening to my video that I cut out. I’m sure if you cut out girl crazies from my mental map I woulda gotten that done (but then no Sussudio jigglins, which I understand people like, so maybe it’s a good thing)
Also, dude… You gotta have a bit in there with Hank Gritt. He’s like… the secret Yoda of the Scud-verse. It was so great to see him get down in the last issues, ‘cause he’d been helping Scud out bit by bit since the beginning. In fact, I’d never impose that Rob should go back to comics. I love comics, I draw comics, but his video and film work is too awesome, but… If he WERE to ever explore Scudly stuff again, I’d love to find out more as to why Hank helps out Scud from beyond the grave, and if that has anything to do with being Sussudio’s dad.
It’s too bad Chuck Brown isn’t in more of the book. It’d be awesome to drop lyric about him too, but I don’t know if he’s important enough to warrant it. I love Chuck. Rob, if you ever read my book Battle Holiday, and the character Bear reads too much like Chuck Brown in his speeches… I’m sorry.
In fact, here’s a question for everybody: We’re all Scud fans enough to make shit to tribute it. How has Scud and Rob’s work inspired or influenced you guys in your other work?
(Sorry for the long-winded and numerous posts)
Scud basically was the shit I bit the most through High school. Robots posing all funky with guns and crap. Luckily, I was able to overcome that and figure out my own style. Rob’s work was a HUGE influence on me, and still is. I agree with MC Griffin, as much as I like Rob’s comics, shit like the Sarah Silverman program and Twigger’s Holiday are unlike anything I’ve ever seen, and I can’t wait for him to get a feature film someday (here’s hopin’, right?) I’ll shut up now.
Thank you Rob!
And super awesome congrats to MC Griffin, Wil, and Pat!
And to everyone else, you all were great. Now let’s all get to work on our “Tales from the Vending Machine” Contest entries!...
Luke Ski
PS: ...As soon as I finish my next album, which is due Friday morning. Crap! I gotta get back to work! I haven’t even drawn the cover yet.
Hey MC,
As for me I’ve not been a fan that long I’ve read the first 5 to 10 issues about a year ago randomly and I really enjoyed them but I forgot about it for a while (you know life shit happens). I’ve seen Robot Bastard somewhere and loved it but didn’t know it was from the creator of Scud (I’ve always liked Robots and guns). It wasn’t until Rob went on Indy Mogul and showed his technique on drawless animation, that I found Scud again and it’s creator. During the making of my short, I just really enjoyed working with the Scud Characters and the story. I also became a fan of Rob because of reading of his struggles and disappointments. I find it inspiring that he has endured though it all and I would say he’s successful and up and coming. I’m at a point where I’m struggling and self employed and I can empathize with what Rob when though back then. With that said is any one looking to hire an Artist or Graphic Designer? If yes then contact me MarLouie: Artist for Hire
P.S. I just saw who won! Congrats to MC!
Congrats, everyone!
I’m gonna have to sit the next contest out. I would LOVE to come up with my own Tales From the Vending Machine story but another three-minute 3D short with new characters and environments and animation in three months is just way too big a commitment after the last one. But I will keep everybody posted on the progress of the mini-series, which, with the extra time I’ll have, should be more complete and polished.
congrats everyone!
i cant wait to see the entries to the next contest!
rob:: any chance of seeing a tales from the vending machine comic contest?
A vending machine comic contest would be really cool and something I might be able to do in the future. I do draw comics some, though I haven’t in a long time and don’t know that my skills would stack up, but I’d be willing to give that a shot. If nothing else, it would be great practice.
Reservoir dryer.. Hahah.
First off congrats to MC Griff! That shit was amazing. I’m glad you won.
I can’t believe I get some Scud Pages outta this. Those suckers are going in some frames! Thanks Rob for giving out more prizes. Now I gotta think of a New Scud? This is like getting the keys to the Batmobile.
Congrats to everyone & thanks again Rob.
concrats to everyone!!
I think a vending machine comic contest is a really cool idea and would be really fun to make too
Dad ruins surprise
Movie geeks looming in line
Want to celebrate
A haiku about my dad finding out I won the contest before I did. I’ve been at work, and it’s been really busy. The customers approach the counter slow and disorganized like Romero zombies, and I want to shoot them in the head in kind… ‘cause man… I want to have some sort of celebration, but I work ‘til midnight, and tomorrow I have to meet with a bunch of other arters for a new comic project meeting.
I’m happy that I won, but I’d say everybody deserves to feel pretty great for even finishing this stuff. Hell, even the cats that didn’t finish still made some bad ass stuff.
(Heh. I was wondering if anybody would point out Scud’s neck. Sorry. Made him a bit easier to animate, but I always felt weird drawing it in ‘cause I knew it wasn’t really supposed to be there.)
I don’t know if I’d prefer a Tales From The Vending Machine comic contest or film contest… No matter what I’ll enter something, even if it can’t be as bad ass as Robotophile. The encouragement to make my own Scud characters and scenario is really enticing. Despite the fact that I’m working on my Channel 101 submission (something I promise will appeal to any Scud fan) I’ll definitely make something for this.
Thanks again for all the good words and congratulations guys.
Funny you should mention the neck, MC. One of the thing that became really apparent to me as I was animating Scud is how much I LOVE that he doesn’t have a neck and his arms aren’t connected in any concrete way to his shoulders. It allows you to get away with a lot in terms of extreme poses that would otherwise be much harder. But I can see how it would make things easier to control in 2D.
I know what you mean, Pat. The ambiguity of his design does leave a lot of room for exploration of poses and stuff. Honestly, it wasn’t the only liberty I took with the design. Scud never has a glimmer or polish past the first issue in the comic, but I wanted to rock a total 90s animation/comic-book aesthetic, so I gave him a heavy metallic shadow (it’s mostly noticeable in the shot where he jumps out of Robot Bastard’s rocket.) And nobody’s complaining about my busty big-eyed version of Sussudio. Heh heh. I always loved Sussudio, and it bummed me out whenever people would complain about her, and my first drawings of her were more how Rob would draw ‘er, but in the end I decided to incorporate more of my style into her design.
I didn’t notice that about your Scud design. I went for chrome as well. Even though he’s only drawn that way in issue 1 and I was going more for the structure of today’s Scud (squared head, boxy torso, skinny limbs), I thought going straight yellow would look flat in 3D. In retrospect, maybe I should have backed out on that… it would have saved me an assload of rendering time and given me more time for actual animation. Little touches like Scud’s chrome and Jeff’s translucent skin made everything take so much longer.
I wonder what kind of material Rob would say Scud’s made of? I imagined it as a kind of bendy metal with car paint. Something that doesn’t exist yet.
I really liked your Sussudio. You weren’t going for total accuracy like I was. The whole piece is identifiably your style so trying to skew closer to the books there, it might have stuck out too much. The boob jiggle’s nice, yeah, but it’s really just a natural extension of your deliberately fluid style. My favorite bits of animation are on her and the monster. The way they move is so cool.
And maybe it’s me but Sussudio’s way hotter than 90% of chicks in comics.
I would love to do a TFTVM but I’m a writer/artist. I have no real access to video. If I want to enter this contest I will have to get creative. If these were Vegas odds McGriffin would be the front runner right now and it would be well deserved.
I’m more of a writer artist than a video-ographer as well…i was thinking the easiest way around the problem is to draw it like a comic and then film the frames with a voice over…. im sure simply adding in camera features like zooms and movement during dramatic scenes would be enough assuming the writing and art were kick ass!
Im pretty sure Im going to enter this one, i had an awesome idea…. now I gotta figure out the how to’s!
PS. This is my first response since the winners were posted and I give my congrats to everyone -Esp. MC I have a huge amount of respect for that amount of work! -But i have to give my condolences to Pat…. I mean if I were you I’d be pretty happy with a page… the books are buyable….so not nearly as special, but I wouldve been happier for you if you placed. I know thats just words, but I know how hard you worked… and how much time goes into those kind of things (and i bet im still underestimating!) I guess its pretty clear that Rob was looking for something a bit more complete -especially considering Marlouie also didnt place and the more I watch that the more I see how awesome his was! Anyway I’m not saying that anybody who DID win didnt deserve it… frankly i think everyone who entered deserves Kudos! Congrats on the page Pat!
Congrats to the winners! Now to start on a TFTVM submission.
Thanks for the vlog about the winners, Rob!
Congrats to MCGriffin! (I also checked out your other film about The Hat- really dug it.)
And thanks to everyone who made a film. Had a great time checking them out.
Now it looks like I gotta get off my ass (or on my ass…) and make a film for the Tales from the Vending machine contest. As a matter of fact I have some ridiculous ideas from my sketch book from back in the day that could work….
If I wasn’t so busy writing Final Cut Pro Plug-ins and supporting my user base, I would have submitted a film. Thankfully, there’s now a second chance. I need to start using all this software that I’ve created.
Haha I knew Robotophile would win! It rocks! I was sorta suprised that Pat’s movie only runner-upped, I thought it was awesome.
Also, I just realized: If there’s gonna be a new scud contest, then people who made TFtVM style movies for the last contest but failed to submit it before the deadline will probably submit them now. Or better yet, improve their movies and make even MORE badass stuff.
Me and my friend (yes, only the two of us) are planning to make one ourselves. But it’s probably either really bad or not gonna happen at all. We’ll do our best.
When you two have a moment, do you think you could take a few choice high resolution stills from your films -some pin up type shots?
I’m sure Im not the only one interested in having some new Scud art for my desktop, and I’d actually like to put a couple stills up in my place, but when i try and blow up print screens ive taken, the res is so crappy!
Anyway when you can please post and link us to some!
-Thanks in advance!
-PS Pat -do you have any shots with Jeff interacting with Scud yet?
Rob i truly admire all the weird stuff you create .
i did not know how to feel after viewing your reaction to my submission .
it was awkward seeing you stop to think about my video in such a light , for i know you write some crazy cool stuff aswell with lots of weird , twisted and often sick things in your funny videos .
it felt as if someone i look up to to create crazy cool shows like ringwald and molly or sarah silverman program or twiggles holliday called the stuff i create sick and weird .
it makes me feel funny to think i can make you feel awkward watching one of my videos .
i creatted that video for i felt it would be a great oppertunity to get noticed by someone i look up to .
i got noticed just not in the way i had wished .
i had never read scud before but really wanted to .
when i found out of the compitition i was excited .
knowing not much about scud i did some research on the plot .
all i knew was it was a robot that anyone can buy with a quater at a vending machine and then they asign scud someone to kill after scuds job is done it explodes .
but this scud doesnt want to explode .
so with all that in mind i let my imagination run and said the story is odviously some sort of violent comedy about a robotical killer .
i knew right off the bat i wanted to push the limits a little but i went way to far and stoped realizing this wasnt a jmanfilm where there are no limits
this is supposed to be a fan film on something i know little about .
i finished the video and posted it online after showing it to some friends and asking what they thought .
then when it was on youtube i showed it to most of my myspace filmmakng buds to see what they thought .
everyone was digging it so i sent it to you .
the next day i saw it was on your websites front page as some blog that read something like wow watch these fan films idk.
i just was wowed and at aww my video was on your site .
i do remember you asked for peaple to say what they thought .
peaple were digging my video .
i was geeked up like a lil boy at xmas day .
it was near due date and i noticed you pulled the date back .
all of a sudden i noticed peaple were really pumping out fan films in a quikness unlike before where i was one of the like four entrys submitted .
i started to freek and said i cant compete with all this .
i made a second video which i didnt submitt for it wasnt reaaly what i new of scud it was just a video i made for fun .
then i saw your video reaction .
i didnt know how to feel .
the fact you thought it was weird was an awsome expieriance for me for i look up to you when it comes to always granting me weird stuff to watch .
i got noticed thats for sher .
just not in the way i expected .
if i freeked you out im sorry .
if i board you for even a split second i am forever sorry .
i just wanted to have fun and make some art to attract your attention and hopefully win a copy of your comic .
well i didnt win one but im looking forward to buying one now.
that way i see where i went to far .
and to think theres a nother compitition is incredable i cant wait to create something new and hopefully better .
once again im sorry.
and id like to ask you a more important question .
if i was to look at this and turn it into a learning experiance
WHAT DID YOU REALLY THINK AND OR WHY ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Well, you freaked him out, Joshua. That is obvious. Perhaps it was the large amount of sadistic dialog that did it (by the look on his face I would guess so).
At least he didn’t say it sucked!
Dr. Griff
That was totally awesome dude! You should laugh, smile, and appreciate the recognition…..and expand on those talents….cause if you can stop Rob Schrab in his tracks and make him think, then you can definitely do great things.
hey rob, can the second contest be a comic or does it have to be a video?
Hey Everyone!
I finally finished the last part to my short and I put it up so if you are interested here you go.
P.S I’m happy for everyone who won and I am humbled by their talents
The right people won.
Josh. I think you’ve got the right idea with reading the new book and making another vid for the new contest. I think your stuff definitely can kick ass, and I actually dug your vid FOR the kinda awkward creepiness it had. I say give The Whole Shebang a read, so you can rock a little accuracy to the subject matter, then make something new that’s creepy and weird.
Creepy and weird is definitely NOT a bad thing, you just gotta make it work for ya. Ever seen Salad Fingers? Youtube that shit. It’s awesome, but definitely plenty creepy.
The great thing about a Tales From The Vending Machine story is you get to make your own Scud. I’m looking forward to what you make next, man. Don’t be discouraged.
hey rob, can the second contest be a comic or does it have to be a video?
Nope. Just videos please. Sorry.
awesome , i was gutted I couldnt enter this contest in time, I think they have definatly raised the bar on fan films
long live Scud
I didn’t really take Rob’s reaction to your submission negatively, exactly. It’s just that you made a video that was funny, yes, but obviously put together to make you scratch your head and go “What the hell is this?” It’s surreal and, yeah, creepy. It starts with a line about torturing people and cutting their balls off and kinda goes from there, you know? Confusion is partly the desired reaction, right?
I agree with MC. Creepy’s good but make it work for you. Anything can be funny as long as you’re able to find the joke. I liked your submission for the sheer WTF-ness of it but it’s important not to just go “Hey, torture! Lol!” Watch Evil Dead 2, Peter Jackson’s Dead Alive, and look at some John Waters movies. The tastelessness is not the joke itself; the joke just happens to be tasteless. That’s the distinction. You’re on your way. If you decide to do a another Scud video, I’d love to see it.
I’ve been meaning to do some high-res stills, actually. What’s your screen size?
i think this is a 17 inch…. or maybe 19, im not sure, its big lol
oh and you are the man!
lol wow out of context that sounds a lil perverted… but I AM italian, so ya know… (wtf am i talking about?)
I mean monitor resolution.
If you’re on Windows, go to your Control Panel, click Appearances and Themes, then click Display, and then Settings. Your resolution should be displayed. If I know your resolution, I can make it especially for you so you don’t have to stretch it or tile it or any of that crappy stuff.
ergh, i have windows Vista and im an idiot when it comes to the inner workings of a computer
i dont have “Appearances and Themes” and i feel bad making you go thru this much trouble -I really appreciate your generosity on this tho, (I feel like im talking to a celebrity as it is) so if you wanna just post high res big pics, its coolyoure doing enough just by making them available to me!I heard that Shocker Toys was holding on to a few SCUD figures to give to the winners of the competition.
When are the figures being released anyway?
And is it just Scud and Sol, or have they announced more yet? I heard something about a secret one on the horizon too… and praying for DW -any knowledge on that Rob?
Here’s some stuff I found for changing your screen resolution in Vista.
You don’t have to change it; just follow the instructions and whatever screen size is displayed, that’s the one you currently have.
I was going to render these frames out super huge anyway. That’s the part that takes long. Customizing them for your screen resolution only takes a few seconds in Photoshop so it’s really no trouble at all.
pat i made a second video which i didn’t submit .
for i knew it didn’t follow much of the scud comic story it just kinda branched from my own way of looking at scud in the first episode and from that i took it to the next limit . i think it drags for its not as sick all the time in my opinion as the first , but alot of my myspace buds have called it horrifically hilarious in other words . i think its not all that great , check it out and tell me what you think .
Pat, now you’re my hero -in more ways then one (dont worry Rob your still my hero too) and even more polite then tech support!
1280 X 800
I’m thinking of making an area of my wall -all Scud art… just about 10 little clippings that I would frame individually and then arrange together on my only blank wall in our bedroom (would you believe the wife is cool with this? how awesome is she?) I was thinking I might sneak in a little Tick too…. anyway at least one of your pics is going in there I can say that much for certain!
Also… I was thinking of something for the next contest… and I have an idea I wanted to keep on the down low…. but I wanted to ask you something…. do u have another way i can contact you? I swear not to be as pesty as I can be on here lol
Joshua -did you make that “Changes” video on your youtube?
shawn , yeah all the videos on my youtube i created .
i try and make a new 1 or 2 each month .
what did u think ???
I thought the “changes” one was great actually, i have to admit, i wasnt a huge fan on your work on scud… its cool that you did something though, all the videos were fun to watch…. but i find your puppet work pretty fun, and the rhyming in changes was clever! you should submit that to Channel 101, maybe Rob would appreciate that more!
with all those amazing entries, I had no illusions that I would stand any chance at winning, but I was hoping Rob or anyone would at least acknowlege that they checked out my work.
Sorry I didn’t acknowlege your entry, Geoff. It’s just that I held a fan FILM competition and you turned in a PDF of a comic book. I was confused.
shawn , i already have submitted that and all my other puppet shows to 101 theyv all been rejected . but im cool by that , im allways up to improve and im still finding my own lil style .
keep in touch shawn i like peaple who tell me truly how theey feel about my movies . i dont like peaple when they bullshit reviews of my work and tell me im amazing .
Rob will you answere that question though ???
everyone answeres it differentlly but i really would like your opinion .
im the tromawant2be guy .
You can get me at
And heeeere’s your wallpapers:×800bj7.jpg
Once I’ve got some more stuff for my next video, I’m going to do a whole bunch of these at different sizes and post them on my blog. I have a cool idea for a promotional poster too. We shall see…
Argh. I got “comment awaiting moderation,” I guess cause of all my links. Just e-mail me, Shawn, , and I’ll send you the wallpapers.
OMG These are AWESOME! I love the first three they are incredible!!!
The Jeff one was the only one I couldnt get… but seriously I appreciate this SOOO MUCH!!
I can not wait to see Jeff and Scud in the tangled position Im imagining in a fight scene!
I need a second to gain composure….
Thanks man!!
If I dont email you tonight, you can email me at
You are the MAN!
Whoops. Jeff one didn’t work. Here it is:×800vv9.jpg
Hey Pat, just emailed you….
Oh and um, that link doesnt work either lol, Jeff apparently refuses to get on my desk top!
thats cool though im already in your debt!
oh and do me a favor and leave my secret TFTVM idea off this blog lol (oh the suspense)
PS. Geoff, just so you know somewhere in the 100 or so responses ive shoved on this page i mentioned that i really liked your comic!
I thought the idea of controlling a Scud on a video game console was really clever and i even liked your drawing style! I was actually hoping this upcoming contest would allow comics but I can understand Robs reasoning since this is clearly where he is now, which is great, I just hope I can do something up to par with at least the non winners of the original contest.
Good lord man I was just showing the stills to my wife and we noticed in the one where hes pointing one gun at us -that you can even see the silouette reflection of the gun in the light on Scuds finger…. damn you go for amazing detail…. now i know why the rendering takes so long…. i wouldnt have even thought to do that! Ok talk to you tomorrow Scud Fans.
I guess I was hoping for a liberal definition of “Fan film contest”. In the past, you stated that comic books were your substitute for making films, so I thought you could appreciate that others might have the same viewpoint. I initially considered trying to use the artwork as source material for a conversion to a film, but in the end I decided that the material would look best in the medium for which it had originally been intended.
Well at least if you submit, we’ll all see and celebrate your work…. you just wouldnt be able to get a prize… im not going for the prize either, it would be nice, but im entering for the fun of making the film…. and knowing other Scud fans would see it – and that Rob would see it.
I mean sure a page (or the figure, or whatever is being offered at this point- hopefully not the whole she-bang cause i bought both versions….) would be awesome, but i feel like i have a few handicaps compared my competitors -never having shot a movie, and not even sure if i could convert to digital without doing something completely pathetic like filming it in 30 second intervals on my phone.
Anyway I say knock yourself out and do the comic book version, film it if you have the ability, – if not at least the fans will appreciate it! I mean its obvious from some of the non-winning entires that their capabilities were comparable with the idea of just shooting frame per frame and adding voices, so what do u have to lose?
I shot mine using my girlfriends photo camera. Not even a good one. I found out I could record video with it in 640×480 resolution windows media video format then I edited it in Windows movie maker. It was a kind of a spur of the moment (two months to create) idea. Joshua’s film actually inspired me to enter. If you have to use your phone use your phone. Go with what you have.
lol mine was short for 2 reasons, i was sposed to make it longer but because of my bad shitty ness of my pc i couldnt finish it, also … actuality thats the only reason
and im so gonna try for the second contest
Im sorry imprint films, i cant remember which one yours was, was it the late entry?
I have an idea I want to do for the contest. Anyone want to collaborate on a crudely (or uncrudely) drawn short film. I write. You draw.
Dude, Redtiger, your art is awesome, why would you EVER have somebody else draw for your work?
Notice none of my drawings move. I don’t have any clue how to do video. That’s pretty much why. Thanks for the compliment though.
Red Tiger, Where can I see your art? is it Scud related?
What kinda computer do you use, Redtiger?
I only ask ‘cause almost any kind of computer nowadays has some sort of free video editing software, and they all pretty much take stills. Even then, if you could pirate video software, that’s easy enough as well (God forbid you BREAK THE LAW). Past that, man, all you need is some animation paper, a lightbox, and a peg bar and you’re good to go. All of which you can find in Los Angeles fairly easy. (In LA you have no excuse to not do stuff. I should know, I live there too.)
Just google “Los Angeles Animation Supply”. Find a store that claims to sell that kinda stuff, call ‘em up and see if they have those things. After that, it’s all animating, scanning, and putting stills into a video program.
Can’t find a mic for the audio or voice acting? So what? Do it without dialogue. Cartoons don’t have to have people talking.
“By any means necessary”. You gotta do this shizz, ‘cause man, you draw in an animation-style, and it’s pretty clear you want to do animation some day. You’ve got mad skills man. Just apply that shit. Even if it’s not for Scud. Even if you want to animate Garfield with a machine gun, don’t wait for somebody else to help you, or nothing will ever get done.
Squirrelman, just click his name. It links to his gallery.
Thanks MC -I’m a lil slow.
PS. Any chance you noticed my request for HIGH RES Stills of shots from your video? Pat made some EPIC ones… and im sure im not the only fan boy out here jonesin for desktop art of youre guys caliber!
Alright, I’ve decided to enter into this contest. I sat the last one out, but me and a friend are going to put together a film.
I actually have a question…
Rob, are we allowed to go past the 3 minute timeline? Is three minutes the limit, or the minimum?
Let’s stay with the 3 minute time limit. 3 minutes being the max.
You can always do what Marlouie did, and ENTER the first 3 minutes and release the rest later, as a continuation…. that seemed to work! =)
By the way MCGriffin, I checked out your link (awesome stuff, i really like your style) and I read where you said that your film takes place after Scud 24 but before 25
LOLyou taking over the series? Hell Id love to see some even further adventures but I’m thinking I’m more likely to see Tick 13 then Scud 25, am I right Rob?Heh. No… Not taking over the series. I basically just meant that it takes place in the Horse part of the story. It’s one of my favorite parts of the comic, mostly because of all the variation. See, I’m not sure if anyone ever noticed this, but Scud is without weapons almost the entire time, so he has to keep finding stuff to use in his environment. I like that. I also like how Sussudio is in a different outfit every world they go into. Love it.
Wow I have to say Ive read the whole shebang at least 10 times, (before it was the whole shebang) and Ive never noticed that about Scud’s weapons in Horse! I still liked the horse story more than 95% of any other comic out there, but I always considered it a low point in Scud…(Issues 5-10 being the high point) mostly because Drywall, Tony, VD Ben and Oswald were left on the side lines, and they were such great characters! I do agree with you that the best thing about it was the ability to keep everything new every issue …and if Scud were to go on… it would be the best way to keep it going and always be something new. Adding time travel or dimension jumping is an awesome way to keep that going in any story!
The part about the clothing is more obvious, I love that too, and thats something Ive loved about Scud since the beginning! “Clothes make the man” The fact that he always wanted to dress for the occasion was such a fun aspect of Scud. My friends and I still play D&D (Geeks~!) and I created a magical item called “The Ring of appropriate costuming” based on this idea.
Actually at the time of the ring’s creation Scud didnt have an ending in sight, so when it was my turn to DM part of our on going 8 year campaign I had our characters visit his world, and help him find his ending…. needless to say Rob outdid me by leaps and bounds, but it was still a fun game to play, starting off inside Mess and defeating the angels in heaven (we used Horse too)!
I remember you said somewhere that you had some comic-con exclusive Scud 21 issues left…. and i was wondering if you would sell any? I saw one go on ebay for an impressive amount (probably because it was signed and sealed in a plastic tomb) but i just want one cause its the only scud thing i dont already have (bought hard and soft cover omnibi already and i even have the rare variant comic with scud and sussudio embracing on the cover). Anyway any chance i can buy one of these from you? signed or otherwise?
Sorry. I only have a few left and I’m hanging onto them.