Last Chapter of Scud will be released as a 4 pt. mini-series FEB. 2008

Scud 21
Here’s the cover of the first book done by the awesome Ashley Wood, Scud the Disposable Assassin #21 “Return of the Over-Used Muse.” Released by Image

That’s right, for those of you who already have the previous books this is good news! And for those who do not, never fear the Big-Ass Scud book featuring Scud 1-24 will be out June 2008, right after Scud #24 comes out. This way you don’t have to wait so long for the final book!

It’s kinda cool. For a few short months Scud the Disposable Assassin will be alive again. I never thought I’d see the #21 on the cover of Scud but here it be.

Each cover will be done by a Guest artist-

#22 – Jim Mahfood (March 2008) “Challenge of the Over-Used Muse”

#23 – David Hartman (April 2008) “Retaliation of the Over-Used Muse”

#24 – Doug Tennapel (May 2008) “Death of the Over-Used Muse”

The book breaks up nicely into four installments and will feature pin-ups and cool shit inside. Only 15 pages to go and I’m done! I smell a Scud Vlog a comin’!

34 Responses to “Last Chapter of Scud will be released as a 4 pt. mini-series FEB. 2008”  

  1. Gravatar Icon
    1 Stuart

    Awesome! Those are some great artists doing the covers for this mini-series. Very cool indeed. :)

  2. Gravatar Icon
    2 Sea-dog

    Thank you Rob! More Scud for the collectin’. You’re the goddamn best!

  3. Gravatar Icon

    This is the coolest non-schrab rendition of Scud I have ever seen. And whats best is my only complaint that I would have to buy all the issues of Scud I already have to get the one I want has been aliviated with gel-tab like relief.

  4. Gravatar Icon
    4 Paul

    This is so sweet I can taste it. (It tastes like pop rocks). You couldn’t have picked a wickeder batch of guest artists. Do you suppose the Big Book o’ Scud is going to have any extras too? My vote is for the Black Octopus shorts.

  5. Gravatar Icon
    5 Andrew S.

    That Ashley Wood cover is absolutely wicked. I can’t wait for the four new books! (I vaguely recall, somewhere in the depths of the original website, that the story was originally going to wrap-up with a 4 part series… if I’m not mistaken. I could have sworn that there were plans for books 21-24 to begin with. If so, this is a neat twist of fate.) :)

  6. Gravatar Icon
    6 dizz

    awe. some. ness.

  7. Gravatar Icon
    7 Adamn

    Gah! Jim Mahfood!!!!!!!!!
    Ah Love Him!

    (not that I don’t love everybody else!)

    I remember Ashley Wood totally kicking @$$ on “Ghostrider 2099” when I was like 12 =)

  8. Gravatar Icon
    8 Ethan Harper

    Fuck YES. I have been so stoked about the finale of this tale since you announced it, Rob, but the completist in me was secretly hoping for individual issues to add to my collection. And now here we have them, with sweet guest cover artists, to boot. Rest assured, I will be getting all of these AND the omnibus, and will continue to spread the gospel of Scud and all things Schrab for many years to come. SUCH awesome news. Thanks again, Rob, and I hope you’re feelin’ fine.

    P.S. I will be visiting your neck o’ the woods for the first two weeks of November. Any awesomeness (art shows, Channel 101 screenings, etc) in your area that you’d recommend I check out while I’m there and/or…wanna get lunch sometime?

    The guy who drew you that sweet envelope (amongst other bits of half decent (if I do say so myself) artwork in the past),

  9. Gravatar Icon
    9 Ethan again

    Also, I just watched the new Sarah Silverman Program premiere. Great job, as usual. Nice to see Kate in there as well as another shameless plug for the ol’ ‘Bastard’. Again, good job, Mr. Schrab (yay rhyming)!

  10. Gravatar Icon
    10 Geoff Weber

    cool! I’d been meaning to check out Zombies vs Robots for a while now, and now that she’s doing the cover to Scud I finally have that extra kick in the pants to stop procrastinating and just go get it.

  11. Gravatar Icon
    11 Dan

    Awesome! I’m really glad I got all the back issues again now. Are you going to do “The Poop” again with these? C’mon now, Rob, you gotta do The Poop! Man, reading those again for the first time in years really made me feel old. I went to see Batman Forever with my father back when it came out and he laughed at the “holy rusted metal, Batman” thing. I’ll make sure he never touches any of my Scud comics, hah. Anyway, the cover looks great! I can’t wait to see the rest. Is Jack Gray going to have anymore involvement with anything…? I’ll keep my eye out for the next Scud Vlog. I always love seeing those… maybe you should put them on a disk and pack ‘em in with the Big-Ass Scud book.

  12. Gravatar Icon
    12 harrison

    First off that cover is amazing! did you pick the cover artists or did image? This is awesome news. Keep up the kickass work Rob!

  13. Gravatar Icon
    13 Ryan

    Awesome! Can’t wait.

  14. Gravatar Icon
    14 Brad Wright

    Excellent! With all those pages already done, it’s far better to get something out there then to wait until all 100 pages are inked. Can’t wait to see it!

  15. Gravatar Icon
    15 ChrisJinx

    I can’t believe that I’m gonna get to see Scud on a comic rack again! This is way better! Ashley Wood is one of my favorite artists and Jim Mahfood is a PIMP! Don’t know about that Tennapel guy, though, what’s he done? (Just kidding, Doug is the man!!!) If my enthusiasm is not coming through, please allow me to add more exclamation marks…!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Gravatar Icon
    16 Mike

    You made my day.

  17. Gravatar Icon
  18. Gravatar Icon
    18 Fish Davidson

    I haven’t gone to a brick and mortar store to buy a comic in 8 years. The comics lost their appeal as I got older, I guess. Thanks to you, I get to feel like an 11 year old again. I may even visit my parents just to get them to drive me to the comic book shop in their minivan to top off the nostalgia. =P

    P.S. The cover for #21 looks great, but I can’t wait to see how Doug’s cover turns out! I’m gonna preorder them as soon as I can; and then, I’ll buy THE BIG BOOK. Thanks, Rob… You just made me even more broke (and happy to be that way).

  19. Gravatar Icon
    19 Willis McSingh

    Holy shit, I cannot believe this awesomness. My entire collection of the original run (including the autographed #1 & 2 from the ‘94 gencon, cripes) was recently ruined due to a leaky apartment roof. I was so down about it, I plotzed. Please give me a way to send you some of my filthy lucre in exchange for more scud. danke.

  20. Gravatar Icon
    20 Drowning Rabbit

    I assume this means it’s pretty much set for a January release? 4 months of new Scud issues followed by the last month of the big Scud book?

    Also, are you going to have the issues/book on your website anywhere for sale?

    As much as I like to support local comic shops, I just moved and can’t find a local one around me. :(

  21. Gravatar Icon
    21 Rob

    Are you kidding? The title of this entry is “Last Chapter of Scud will be released as a 4 pt. mini-series FEB. 2008”

  22. Gravatar Icon
    22 Drowning Rabbit

    I was sleepy this morning and seem to have missed the obvious title.

    My bad. My question still stands though, will it be available from the online store. =v

    god I feel stupid….

  23. Gravatar Icon
    23 Chris

    Mr. Schrab! This is for real! This is it! Scud will be complete. My childhood nostalgia will be fulfilled. Thank you, Thank you so much. One can only hope that some day, the story between Tony Tastey and his family will end as well.

    Was wondering, did you write the foreward to Johnny the Homicidal Manic Directors Cut by Jhonen Vasquez? It reads by “Rob Schrab,” it must be you. Cool foreward man, some deep stuff there, I don’t know how you come up with it.

    Kudos to you on finishing Scud. You’re my hero.

  24. Gravatar Icon
    24 W.T. Snacks

    This is some of the best news ever, especially re-releasing everything. I know I’ve lost a few issues in the past… wow, 10 years. It’s great that you’re finishing the series, easily one of my favorite comics ever.

    On another note, what do you think about Dennis Kucinich being DRYWALL?!
    “I don’t know what kind of pocket dimension you have access to…” ;D

  25. Gravatar Icon
    25 Nick G

    The cover looks great! I’m super excited! Congrats on all the success and I can’t wait for the new books.

  26. Gravatar Icon
    26 Jared Moraitis

    Yee-haw!! Finally! Looking forward to this immensely. You need more pinups? I’m your man! Drop me a line!

  27. Gravatar Icon
    27 michael

    Sweet! Although I hate that it still seems like a long way off, at least you have definite dates. And everyone is cool but I don’t know that Hartman dude.

    Looking forward to the big book! :)

  28. Gravatar Icon
    28 Mesimo

    That’s brilliant news. Looking forward to the final chapter(s)!
    P.S. Marbles, marbles, marbles!

  29. Gravatar Icon
    29 Dave Ryan

    Looks great Rob!! I’d love to have Scud in the War of the Independents! Please give it a look.

  30. Gravatar Icon
    30 Joe MacKie


    A release date at last, the years of waiting will soon draw to a close, and my deep, dark, abysmal hunger will finally be sated. Truly it will be a day for the history books.

  31. Gravatar Icon
    31 Abed

    I’m proud of you Rob, this something I can hardly wait for, I will read each issue slowly and digest this final chapter of goodness. I don’t read too many comics nowadays though I’d like too. A lot of times stuff that’s coming out doesn’t grab me as much as it used to. It takes a lot to get me into a comic shop to buy one. But this is something that I know you’ve put a lot of your best work into. And it compels me to go and buy it and support you.

  32. Gravatar Icon
    32 Jeff

    Wow, that cover is amazing, I can’t wait to see it.

    thanks for posting my Scud Vs Sol animation in your Scud Vlog. I did that back around 2002/2003 as a school project.

  33. Gravatar Icon
    33 Rob

    look at these cool fan figures made by Shawn Cier!

  34. Gravatar Icon
    34 Dan

    Dude, I totally want those!

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